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The thrill of traveling is addictive. Seeing new places, meeting new people, and discovering new things are what makes traveling so special. However, when you have food allergies, traveling can lead to having an allergic reaction.  Getting to your destination is tricky.  Planes are known for their typical snack... peanuts. Not to mention if you are visiting foreign countries and you do not know how to speak their language, how are you supposed to alert restaurants and their staff about your food allergies? Don't worry. We are going to make everything easier for you.


Traveling by Airplane

Traveling by airplane, looking out the window to see landscapes, homes, and buildings from the sky is breath-taking. What can ruin this perfect view? Well, what about your face getting puffy,  your skin developing hives, and your breathing starting to shorten? That can just about shatter your experience. Every time I get onto a plane, I am apprehensive. You never know when a food you're allergic to will be eaten by a person sitting next to you, causing you to have an allergic reaction, or when the staff will serve peanuts, or when your seat was previously occupied by someone who had eaten an allergen. It is nerve-wrecking. Here are some tips to make sure you stay safe during your flight experience.

1. Call the airline ahead of time to insure your safety. Ask what they will be serving and if they have an allergy policy.


2. If someone next to you is about to order or buy a food you are allergic to, alert them that you have food allergies and you would really appreciate it if they avoid foods that you are allergic to. If they object, then ask the staff if you can move your seat or switch it with someone else.


3. Carry your medications at ALL TIMES during your flight just in case you have an allergic reaction. Keep your handbag or purse next to you with your epinephrine and Benadryl in it. Don't keep it in a suitcase in a compartment above you a few feet away.


4. Bring wipes to clean your seat to ensure there is no food residue.


5. Pack your own food in case the airline doesn't provide food that you can eat. Better safe than sorry!!

Ordering from a Restaurant that speaks a Foreign Language

Men Making Crepes

Different countries, different foods!  Food is one avenue for learning about different cultures but it can be dangerous...


Ordering from a restaurant can be difficult because you have to worry about cross-contamination and exotic ingredients. When a restaurant is in a foreign country, it is twice as tough because of the language barrier.  You may not know how to communicate  about your food allergies.


However, there are two words that can really help you in that situation - ALLERGY CARDS. You can create allergy cards in different languages. They summarize your allergies and what the staff should do when they are cooking your meal.  After you complete your template,  take it to the restaurant, and give it to the chef so he can remember. 

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